Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.

A time in my life that related to this quote is when I completely gave up on myself. Every time when I get extremely overwhelmed by stress and pressure I tend to shut down myself, and give up on things that are important. As this quote said if I prepare to fail then of course I will fail. So every time I feel like giving up I would go to either of my parents and cry or talk to them about my condition. They would often tell me by giving up isn't the answer, by facing your problems that is how it will lead you to success. I remember one time I was so overwhelmed by school I just completely stop trying to do my best on studying which didn't end well. It was a lesson to learn because without studying you know you will fail the test, but I didn't care. I was so stressed to the point I didn't care about good grades or making my parents feel proud of me.
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